Study Trips in Spring
In March, the grasses are tall and the nightingales are in the air. From 27th to 28th March, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Primary Department organized the 4th to 6th grades and the 1st to 3rd grades to head for the Rainbow Waterfall Scenic Zone in Dabie Mountain and the New River Landscape Belt in Anqing City respectively to begin the spring study trips.
On the one hand, at the Rainbow Waterfall Scenic Spot, under the organization of the teachers, students toured some magnificent attractions in order, such as the Rainbow Falls, Monkey River Canyon and the Dragon King Temple. Without doubt, students were touched by the exquisite mountain forests, clear spring water as well as the rainbow mystery, which brought them closely to the wonder and beauty of nature.
On the other hand, at the New River Landscape Belt, teachers, parents and students went hand in hand, looked far into the distance from the bridgehead, had fun at the grassland, sat on the ground, shared delicious food, flew the kites with the east wind and enjoyed the family time cheerfully.
To conclude, this study trip not only played a positive and stimulative role in cultivating students’ taste, enriching their knowledge, training their comprehensive quality, but also became another beautiful memory engraved in the heart of the teachers, students and parents.









